Thomas Institute of Hypnosis 603-669-0185 Hypnosis
Lose Weight with Hypnosis
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WHAT IS HYPNOSIS? (Use the checklist below to see how you can benefit from hypnosis.) Most people have are familiar with hypnosis for stop smoking and hypnosis for weight loss. Many people have heard of the wonderful results accomplished through hypnosis and feel that it could be helpful to them. Yet, there are many who do not consider its use due to misinformation acquired over the years from television, horror movies and novels. They maintain a misconception of what hypnosis is and how it can be used to achieve change in many areas of our lives and in a positive way. When hypnotized, an individual is not asleep or in some eerie trance state. There is no surrender of mind or control. The hypnotized individual is aware of everything. When brought out of hypnosis, they are able to recall everything that took place. Hypnosis is a very normal, natural state that we are all born with. Over the years we are taught not to use it. How many times were we told to, “snap out of it” or “stop that day-dreaming”. An example of a state of hypnosis might be; driving your car and suddenly realizing that you can’t remember the last few streets you just passed, or that you drove right by your exit! In this example of a light hypnotic state, the conscious part of the mind had been distracted allowing the subconscious to take over. The hypnotherapist does not posses any type of power or gift, but has learned how to give suggestions that the subconscious mind will accept and then act upon in a positive way. Trained hypnotherapists have helped thousands of people solve problems, overcome fears and improve personal skills. Frequently Asked Questions How does hypnosis work? In essence, hypnosis is a means of communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Many human problems; habits, stresses, anxieties and attitudes can be traced to interpretations by the subconscious mind which, when understood by the conscious mind can reduce or resolve specific problems. Who can be hypnotized? Anyone with normal intelligence can be hypnotized. In fact, it is usually found that stronger willed individuals who want to be hypnotized achieve excellent results. Will I be able to come out of it? Yes. In fact, it would be impossible to remain hypnotized. Even if the hypnotherapist were to leave the hypnotized client, the client would rest for a few moments and then bring themselves out easily. Will I do something against my will? When you are hypnotized, you are aware of all suggestions given to you and you will not do anything which violates your personal standards of behavior or integrity. You are completely in control. In fact you are taking control over a part of your life that you didn't have control over before, ie; stop smoking, eating habits, panic attacks, etc. Contrary to what you may see in "stage shows", hypnosis or your hypnotherapist can't make you do anything that you do not want to do, so it is very important that you really do want to make a change. Our goal is to help you achieve success in as few sessions as possible. Fees: Private
Session ~ $99.00 Packages are available - please ask about this special pricing Small Group Sessions at
our Facility Corporate Programs
- 10 or more attendees